Tool Item

One way of teleporting you with FAWE is through the use of a "navigation-item". By default, this is the vanilla compass. The item is changeable in the worldedit-config.yml:

  item: minecraft:compass
  max-distance: 100

With left-click you executing the Jumpto command, and with right-click your executing the Thru command.

The FAWE tool items (inclusive the navigation tool) can be obtained e.g. via the normal creative inventory or with the //wand -n command (see Wand).


  • worldedit.navigation.jumpto.tool

  • worldedit.navigation.thru.tool


Wand Tool Item

Positions are defined in various ways. One of these ways is through the use of a "wand-item". By default, this is the vanilla wooden_axe. The item is changeable in the worldedit-config.yml:

wand-item: minecraft:wooden_axe

Left-clicking a block with this wand-item defines the primary position (aka "pos1") and right click defines the secondary position(s) (aka "pos2").

The FAWE tool items can be obtained e.g. via the normal creative inventory or with the //wand [-n] command (see Wand).


Far Wand

Positions are defined same as the Wand Tool item but with infinite range and a possible other item.

Take a tool in main hand. Left-clicking a block with this farwand-item defines the primary position (aka "pos1") and right click defines the secondary position(s) (aka "pos2").

The farwand tool items can be obtained e.g. via the command /tool farwand or /farwand with a tool in hand.


  • worldedit.tool.farwand

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