API documentation

Maven & Gradle Examples

Gradle is the recommended when working with the PlotSquared API. Ensure the toolchain points to Java 17 or higher.

If you are looking for snapshots, add the repository of S01 OSS Sonatype (https://s01.oss.sonatype.org/) to the repositories' block.

Gradle - PlotSquared Core

If you need to access the Bukkit module of PlotSquared, copy the example below.

repositories {
    maven { url = uri("https://repo.papermc.io/repository/maven-public/") }

dependencies {

Gradle - PlotSquared Core and Bukkit

repositories {
    maven { url = uri("https://repo.papermc.io/repository/maven-public/") }

dependencies {
    compileOnly("com.intellectualsites.plotsquared:plotsquared-bukkit") { isTransitive = false }

Maven - PlotSquared Core


Maven - PlotSquared Core and Bukkit



Useful classes for PlotSquared


If you have made a tutorial, or an addon for PlotSquared, and want us to link it here, please create an issue. We'd really appreciate it!


Plot area

A plot area is any area that PlotSquared will manage/handle. If this is an infinite plot world, the entire world is considered to be a plot area. If you use plot clusters, then only part of the world will be a plot area, and anything outside this area will not be handled by PlotSquared.

See: PlotAreaManager.java#getPlotAreaByString(...)


Clusters can be created within existing plot areas, or they can be created in a previously non-plot world, which will in turn create it's own plot area.

See: PlotCluster.java See: PlotSquared.java


A road is what separates each plot, and includes the wall around each plot. Attempting to get a plot at this location will return null.

See: Location.java#isPlotRoad(...)


A plot can be claimed or unclaimed. Getting a plot at a location where one isn't claimed will return a new unowned plot object.

See: PlotArea.java#getPlots(...)

Last updated